24 Autosomal STRs, 1 Y-Chromosome STR, 1 Y-Chromosome Indel, 1 Sex Locus
Advanced Technology: Utilizing six-color fluorescence detection technology, this kit enables the multiplex amplification and detection of 24 autosomal STRs, 1 sex locus, 1 Y-chromosome STR, and 1 Y-chromosome Indel in a single tube, significantly increasing polymorphic information content and individual identification rate.
High Compatibility and Accuracy: Includes 20 low-mutation-rate STR loci (mutation rate below 1%) and 7 rapidly-mutating loci (mutation rate above 1%).
Strong Individual Identification Capability:Contains 11 mini-STRs (amplification length less than 220bp) for autosomal loci, allowing for more locus typing when amplifying degraded samples. Suitable for male lineage investigation, it also offers strong individual identification capability.